- In 'Perhaps' she has accepted that her lover will never return - whereas in 'Reported Missing' she is being slightly stubborn and refuses to accept his death.
- In 'Perhaps' the mood is conflicted between bravery and sadness although in the other poem the mood is just sad.
- 'Perhaps' has quite a lot of repetition compared to 'Reported Missing' which has almost none.
- The structure is very different between the two: in 'Perhaps' there are 5 verses with 4 lines and the other is just one large stanza.
- The rhyming patterns are also very different. In 'Perhaps' it's very simple - just alternate rhymes on each line e.g. again, blue, vain, you (end words of each line in the first verse). In reported missing its an ABBA pattern e.e dead, place, face, stead.
- In 'Reported Missing' there are 10 syllables in each line, in 'Perhaps' it goes 10, 10, 10, 6. I think that 'Perhaps' reads better because of this.
- In 'Perhaps' the last verse contradicts all of the other verses so far. In the others she says how she is try to move on and in the last verse she says how there will always be a part of him that still loves him. There is nothing like this in 'Reported Missing', only it ends on the word dead which is quite dramatic.
- The last line in 'Perhaps' also breaks a rule/ pattern that has been going on in the rest of the poem, again there is nothing like this in the other poem.
- 'Perhaps' also includes a case of emjambement and a caesura, and this makes the poem seem more interesting. There is nothing like this in 'Reported Missing'.
- Vera was 21-25 during the war, compared to Anna who was 15-19, beacause of this i think Vera has an older perception of the war.
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