Monday, 19 October 2009

The Hero and Spring in War Time

Comparative analysis of The Hero and Spring in Wartime.
1. In the Hero the majority of the poem's lines have 10 syllables each but the poet hasn't emphasised it as a key feature so some have 11. However in Spring in War Time the poet has made sure that every line has seven syllables apart from the last, which has three, giving a very clear ending to the poem.
2.  In the Hero, the poet uses rhyming couplets throughout the poem apart from the first 4 lines of the second verse which are alternate rhyming and gives a very clear middle section but in Spring in War Time the poet uses alternate rhyming throughout. This makes it feel more traditional as the poem has the standard stanza length and rhyming.
3. The Hero uses many enjambments to make the poem have the feel as if it is being spoken aloud. This makes the poem flow as it doesn't stop and start at the end of each line. However Spring in War Time doesn't focus too much on technicality and therefore has a much more simpler look and sound.
4. Both of these poems are about grieving women but the Hero is about a mother who has lost her son and Spring in War Time is about a grieving widow.
5. Spring in War Time concentrates on nature and the poet's surroundings. it has a positive approach with flowers growing over graves and that everything will continue although he is dead, whereas the Hero has a negative approach and in the last stanza he talks about that no cares that he is dead apart from his mother as he was a cowardly soldier and didn't want to go to fight.
6. Spring in War Time is a very figurative poem and the Hero is more literal.

Alexia, Felicity,Laurie and Katie.

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