Sunday 18 October 2009

Comparitve points on 'Recruiting' and 'The Send Off'.

Our group made 10 comparitive points on 'Recruiting' and 'The Send Off'.

1. 'Recruiting' has a rhyming scheme of ABCB whilst 'The Send off' has ABA and Ab rhyming schemes.

2. 'Recruiting has a set rhyme scheme whilst 'The send off' is just sentances.

3. They both focus on the dark side of war.

4. Both poets died in the war, so probably shared similar experiances.

5. Both poems have enjambement and caesural pauses.

6. 'Recruitment' has a much more defined rhythm, whilst 'The send off' has different punctuation at the end of each line which gives a different rhythm.

7. 'Recruitment' is much more literal.

8. Both poems get more sinister as you go through.

9. Both poems are done as though reflecting on the war.

10. Both poems are about going into the war, not about the actual fighting.

By Tash Beaumont, Georgie Bray, Ashley Layer and Lucy Oliva.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know, you put "Recruitment" instead of "Recruiting" in points 6 and 7.

    Just thought you ought to know! :)

    From Ed Parry :)
